With Tomorrow in Mind
Our world has changed. We now live in an era of competition and conflict. Geopolitical tensions have intensified, amidst the possibility of persistent inflation and higher rates for longer, growing nationalism, populism, and protectionism. At the same time, the climate crisis looms.
To advance forward, we have developed our T2030 strategy to build a resilient and forward-looking portfolio, with sustainability at our core.
Our journey is driven by a sense of purpose to do well, do right, and do good.
At 50, we draw on lessons from our past and look ahead to the future with courage and conviction. We remain resolute in our commitment to always do things today with tomorrow in mind, So Every Generation Prospers.

Temasek is a global investment company rooted in Singapore. Operating on commercial principles, we deliver sustainable returns over the long term.
As stewards of our assets, we engage our portfolio companies to enhance shareholder value and advocate good governance practices. Together, we contribute to the uplifting of the communities in which we operate.
We invest in human potential, build with courage, and catalyse solutions, with sustainability at the core of what we do.
In all these, we seek to Do Well, Do Right, and Do Good. Doing things today with tomorrow in mind, So Every Generation Prospers.